Heal that Hematoma (bruise with significant swelling )

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Whoa!  The other night, I did something supremely dumb.   It was nighttime and I needed to look out the window of my back bedroom.  I went to turn off all the lights to make the room pitch black, then I cracked open the blinds.  Eh, couldn’t see what I wanted to see.

I turned around to walk out, as I have done several thousand times.  But this time, I forgot I had moved a small, rolling laptop desk right in front of a chair.  Unexpectedly I felt myself doing the kind of acrobatics that I can no longer voluntarily do.   My rarely used primal scream ensued and I told my rescuers that my leg was surely broken.

Nope.  It was not broken but a very nasty looking hematoma began taking shape.  More than a simple bruise, a hematoma is a mound of broken blood vessels and inflamed, traumatized flesh working together to make a horrifyingly large mound on the injury site.

After initial icepacks and a pain pill, I went to bed.  In the morning the hematoma was larger and grosser, but having had one before taught me that it would heal on its own.  Three weeks later and very little treatment with ice packs resulted in no visible improvement at all!  My daughter incredulously asked why I had not put oils on it.  Honestly, I don’t know!  Was I lazy?  Did I not want to waste great oils on an injury that I thought would heal on its own?  I don’t know but after two nights of oils the hematoma had reduced in size by 3/4 and the dark bruised area was visibly in recovery.  A week later, after twice daily oil treatments, the injury and inflammation was gone and the bruise nearly healed!


6 thoughts on “Heal that Hematoma (bruise with significant swelling )

  1. Hi Kathy,

    I used your Hematoma Salve recipe and added some Frankincense and Carrot Seed oils to help my mother with a Hematoma that formed over a surgery site. The surgeon wanted to address it with more surgery (which my mom did not want!). This 2-3 month old hematoma (that hadn’t changed) immediately started to get smaller and then re-absorbed after applying for 6 weeks. Thank you so much!

  2. Hello Kathy! Six weeks ago I was taking my nightly walk on my sidewalk backyard that is a nice size adjacent to the lake. We had a storm earlier in the day so and I realized it was pretty dark and saw both mine and my next door neighbors outdoor floodlights were not working. I went inside and grabbed a flashlight with a spotlight feature and continued my walk. I’m not going to make excuses other than I lost focus and turned my head for a few seconds and I foolishly lost my footing. My sidewalk is pretty wide but I just missed my step. Thank God the lakefront was dry due to the heat waves we’ve had here in Tx or I would have fallen into the lake and probably drowned. Instead I fell about 2 feet down in pitch black darkness. I lost consciousness just a few seconds and I honestly had no idea what had happened. I guess when you fall unexpectedly and it is pitch black it takes a few minutes to register what is happening. Evidently the left side of my face hit the corner of the concrete bulkhead and I hit the ground on my right side already unconscious. My initial attempt to get up was not successful.By my second attempt I was trying to yell for my husband (who was sitting on the outside patio but quite far from me) but he heard my feeble cry. I pretty much busted my face Kathy. I did not go to an ER but I immediately began my Doterra treatment after applying ice packs. I used all of the oils frankincense, lavender, melaleuca, helichrysum, and cypress. I continued this routine (stopped cypress) with constant ice packs and 3 weeks later my face was no longer deep purple and black with huge black eye all the way to my chin and my entire left side of my face was no longer swollen. I was pretty bad off for 3 weeks. Rocky Balboa looked like no big deal compared to my face! Luckily no open wounds and x-rays showed no broken bones or fractures. I was consistently applying ice and oils and 3 weeks later my bruising was gone! I was so proud of myself and my belief in Doterra oils proved me right again! Here is when my “real nightmare” begins. After thinking I was completely healed from this horrific fall THREE DAYS LATER I noticed an indentation forming on my cheek. I went to see a maxillofacial specialist and he confirmed I had a HUGE hematoma on my left cheek and within 3 days the indentation was the least of my worries. I am now about 2.5 weeks of treating my cheek with oils but this thing is not budging. It is huge and Dr said it was there forming from day one but apparently this is the process for a fall of this magnitude. I’m just so lucky I had no brain damage etc. My face is in constant pain and has started forming a hole and very light bruising. I have tried everything including oils, ice, arnica, etc plus a list of other remedies I found here and there. It is not healing and getting bigger and harder. It is very painful to the touch. I have seen the specialist who gave me zero meds and said it will take 3-6 months and up to a year to dissolve! I am desperate! I can’t find a Doterra recipe to help dissolve it. It has just gotten bigger and harder like the size of a lime. My face is starting to look out of balance and I’m devastated. I KNOW that somewhere out there in DoterraLand there has to be a reported case like mine that helped dissolve a hematoma. I have read miraculous stories of many types of healings by using the correct oils in the suggested recipes. The Dr. (Like most) still doesn’t know the power of Doterra oils whereas I DO! He knows I am searching for a record by someone who has suffered facial Trauma involving a cheek hematoma like mine. I am begging you and all Doterra warriors to help me with recommendations that might me. I can’t wait up to a year like this. I hope you (or one of your readers) will reach out with a suggestion to help me. PLEASE! Thank you for reading this long message.

    Sincerely, Doterra Believer

  3. Hi! I just started using this today, luckily I had all the ingredients at home, I developed a MASSIVE hemotoma after having my breast implants removed on July 27. Almost 4 weeks later it is still not gone I can’t wait to see if I finally get some more timely results with this I’ll keep you posted! (Don’t know why I didn’t think of oils sooner too!)

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