As we all know, the wonderfulness of a new box of crayons wears out in the art classroom in about, say one day! The boxes get shabby and even with careful instructions, some of the crayons get pushed in and broken. I needed a better way to store them.
Voila, I saw these beauties at Walmart for $1 each. When I went to purchase them, they had reduced them to 68 cents each. Unfortunately, these are in-store purchases only.
I cut the tops off the boxes and use them as labels. Also the boxes are color-coded for quick reference for the students. Only the regular crayons in clear boxes are visible and easily accessible in the classroom. The other types of crayons are brought out from a cabinet when needed.
The construction paper crayons will be kept with the “Sub Tub” as my substitute lesson plans have lovely projects requiring black construction paper and bright crayons.
How do you organize your crayons if you have several types?