
Copaiba Essential Oil

Copaiba (pronounced cO-pah-EE-bah) is a beautiful oil with special properties. It is amazing to have this in your essential oil starter kit collection. Steam distilled from resin, copaiba helps to promote wholebody wellness.

Copaiba. This is a stick it to the man oil. It has the highest amounts of beta caryophyllene (55percent) of any known essential oil. I use it to drive home panaway when I need it. It’s a new addition to the premium starter kit as of June 2015 and is in my top 3 favorite oils of ALL TIME. I jumped up and down when I found out they were adding it to the kit. I have issues. Copaiba helps with the body’s normal response to injury.  It enhances the power of other essential oils, working synergistically with them.

Ways to Use


  • Add a drop of Copaiba to a roller or inhaler of your favorite oils for season annoyances.
  • Some companies market the bark of the tree but we get essential oil from the tree resin
  • Very popular oil in South America where it grows. Traditionally used in the Amazon for multiplethings but one of key note is for supporting oral health and the throat. Just mix a few drops with a warm water and raw honey to create a tea.
  • Lots of published research on this oil.
  • Copaiba is used to aid the digestive, respiratory and lymphatic systems.
  • It supports the body’s natural response to injury or irritation.
  • Contains the highest amounts of beta caryophyllene of any known essential oil. Look that up!
  • Temporary physical discomfort associated with Aging/Exercise
  • May support performance during exercise when taken as a dietary supplement
  • Promotes a healthy gut and bowel
  • Promotes wellness and can be an important part of a daily health regimen.
  • Commonly believed to work as a magnifier with other EOs
  • Occasional anxiety
  • Supports the body’s ability to regulate it’s natural immune response
  • Best for urinary, skeletal, muscular and integumentary (skin) systems
  • Includes the naturally occurring constituents alpha-humulene and beta-caryophyllene . Has the highest amount of the latter at 55% which is higher than any known essential oil. Both pretty powerful constituents of the oil
  • Copaiba has a sweet and woody aroma

CHALLENGE: Which three of Young Living’s roll-ons contain Copaiba? (HINT: Here is a link to all of the handy dandy travel easy roll-ons Young Living offers:

Emotional Support

Not Getting Enough

Provides emotional support when you have feelings of not getting enough.

Next up:   A wildly popular oil for the stressed out.>>


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